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Village of Cloudcroft Special Meeting June 9th

Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 4:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Governing Body for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 6:JO p.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.

Mayor Venable called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council members providing a full Quorum: Present/absent:

  • Trustee/ Mayor Pro Tern William Denney- present
  • Trustee – George Mitchell – present
  • Trustee – John Tieman – present
  • Trustee – Vacant

The following Village staff and guests were present: Barbara K. Garcia, Village Clerk/Treasurer; Jini Turri,

Administrator; Jefferson Rhodes, VOC Attorney; Kevin Summers, Chief of Police Village of Cloudcroft; Joyce Komraus, voe Library; Renee Hayes, VOC Library; Marsha Slane, CCP; Maya & Terry McCormick, self; Jim Maynard; self, Shelly Hughes; self, Gilbert Garcia; self (Item #1)

The pledge of allegiance to the US and NM flags was led by Mayor Venable. {Item #2)


Mayor Venable entertained a motion to approve the Agenda for the Regular Council Meeting of June 9, 2020. Trustee Denney made such motion, Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. (Item #3)


Mayor Venable entertained a motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 12, 2020. Trustee Denney made such motion to approve as written, Trustee Tieman seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously (Item #4)

ANNOUNCEMENTS/DISCUSSION : Recognition of 25 Years of Dedicated Service to the Village of Cloudcroft – Scott Powell & Kevin Summers:

Mayor Venable formerly recognized the Village Chief of Police, Kevin Summers for his dedicated service to the community and expressed his and the citizens appreciation for his service. Mayor also formerly recognized Scott Powell and his accomplishments for service to the Village and the citizens. (Item #5)

MAYOR’S REPORT: Re-organization of Library Board & Letters of Interest to Serve:

Mayor Venable advised of the re-organization of the Library Board, the Village has at least three (3) positions available on the board at this time. Christian Westfall will continue to serve, and Joyce Komraus will be joining upon her retirement as Library Director. We are currently awaiting confirmation from Michael Shinabery of a possible continuation to serve. The audience was asked to put the word out and have letters of interest to serve sent to the Village office. Terms will be two (2) years with the option to move into another roll for a full four (4) years. Meetings are the first Thursday of each month. An announcement was made that there is still an opening on the Planning & Zoning Commission. (Item #6)

REPORTS: Discussion GRT reports for the month of March and that April will be reported next month. There has been a de::rease in the Lodgers Tax. Mayor Venable entertained a motion to approve the May 2020 reporting.

Trustee Mitchell made such motion to approve as written, Trustee Tieman seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. (Item #7)

ADMINIS RATORS REPORT: Jini advised that the Metal Building at the Waste Water Treatment Plant would be completed by June 10, 2020, this was a fast moving project due to the June 30th funding reversion date. The Senior Center plans are 99% ready for submission for approval. There have been several meetings on design. Jini and the Mayor also recognized the clerk/treasurer for the work on the IT infrastructure that is being put in place for the Village. ayor Venable also asked that everyone look at the new seating area on Burro Ave. and thanked Jini for her hard work to make this happen. (Item #8)

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Action: Proceeding with purchase or land swap with US Forest Service concerning WWTP: Ciscussion ensued regarding the land belonging to the Forest Service that the Village utilizes through a USE PERMIT, the Village has been trying to either purchase or do a land swap for possibly twenty years. Land Swap will :ake six (6) to seven (7) years to accomplish and a purchase will take two (2) to three (3) years to complete. The Mayor requested that the Council recommend which path he should follow to start negotiations with District Rc11ger Randall Chavez. An option for purchase price could be Capital Outlay Funds if we are granted for this. The swap would be from land located behind the current Fire Station Training Center. Mayor Venable explained that we would retain the water rights if we pursued a land swap. Purchase price would be around $160,000. Mayor Venable entertained a motion to pursue negotiations for purchase of the land from the Forest Service. Trustee Tieman made a motion to approve, Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously.

Discussion/Action: Consideration and Appointment of Applicants for vacant Trustee position on the Governing Body Council:

Mayor Venable explained that due to the loss of Trustee Voight he has interviewed three (3) applicants for the positio1. The Village would benefit from an applicant that has experience to round out the term that will end as of December 31, 2021. Mayor Venable is recommending James Maynard to the council for consideration. Mayor Venable entertained a motion to appoint James Maynard to complete the term vacated by Cynthia Voight, Trustee Denney made a motion to approve, Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion and with no further discussion a roll call vote was taken.

  • Trustee Denney – Aye
  • Trustee Mitchell-Aye
  • Trustee Tieman -Aye
  • The motion carries unanimously.

Discussioo/Action: Resolution No. 2020.10 Cooperative Agreement between the Village of Cloudcroft and the NM Dept. of Transportation:

T1is resolution will appoint Mayor Venable as the Grantee Representative for plan, design, constructions management and construction on the following Village streets, Curlew Place, Julie’s Lane, Shell’s Lane and Susan’s Way. The appointment will bestow the powers and duties to complete any necessary documents pertaining to this project to Aayor Venable. Mayor Venable entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020.10 , Trustee Tieman made a motion to approve, Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion and with no further discussion a roll call vote was taken.

  • Trustee Denney – Aye
  • Trustee Mitchell -Aye
  • Trustee Tieman -Aye

The motion carries unanimously. (Item #9)


EXECUTIVE SESSION: Recess into closed session in compliance with Real Property & Water Rights §10-15-1.H (8)- Concerning 306 Lynx Loop

Mayor Venable requested a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Real Property & Water Rights §10-15-1.H (8) – Concerning 306 Lynx Loop. Trustee Mitchell made such motion, Trustee Tieman seconded the motior and with no further discussion a roll call vote was taken.

  • Trustee Denney-Aye
  • Trustee Mitchell – Aye
  • Trustee Tieman -Aye

Council recessed into closed session at 6:29 p.m.


Mayor Venable entertained a motion to adjourn from Executive Session and reconvene into Open Session at 6:58

p.m. Trust3e Denney made such motion; Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion and with no further discussion a roll call vote v,.as taken.

  • Trustee Denney -Aye
  • Trustee Mitchell -Aye
  • Trustee Tieman -Aye

Statement by Mayor Venable requested that the record reflect that the Governing Body of the Village of Cloudcroft, New Mexico, hereby states that on June 9, 2020 a Closed Executive Session was held and the matte·s discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to Real Property & Water Rights §10-15-1.H (8) as noted on the meeting notice. Mayor Venable noted that no action or votes were taken.

Mayor Venable announced that the offer was discussed as submitted and the Village hereby rejects the offer as submitted by the buyer. Mayor Pro Tern Denney made a motion to give authority to act as agent to negotiate the sale of the pro •erty located at 306 Lynx Loop to Mayor Venable moving forward.  Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion. Attorney Rhodes affirmed that giving authority to Mayor Venable to negotiate and once a new offer is made then consideration will be done in a council meeting. Upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Venable advised the buyers that they would need to present a new offer to his office, and he would consider in light of the council appointing him the agent to negotiate. If an acceptable offer is made, then he will call for a Special Meeting to present the offer to the council. A meeting was set for 10:00am on June 10, 2020 for a counteroffer and negotiations.        (Item #10)

BILLS & TREAS URER’S REPORT: Acknowledgment of April Bills Paid and Report. Mayor Venable entertained a motion to acknowledge bills and report. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve, Trustee Denney seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimousyl. (Item #11)

ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Venable adjourned the meeting at 7:05pm. (Item #12)