Wednesday, February 25, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of the Governing Body for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 5:00 p.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.
Mayor David C. Venable called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. with the following Council members providing a full Quorum: PresenVabsent:
Trustee I Mayor Pro Tern William Denney – present Trustee -Cynthia Voight – present
Trustee- George Mitchell – present Trustee-John Tieman -present
The following Village staff and guests were present: Barbara K. Garcia, Village Clerk/Treasurer; Kevin Summers, Chief of Police Village of Cloudcroft; James Hurst, Spectrum; Bun Tadlock, Spectrum (Item #1)
The pledge of allegiance to the US and NM flags was led by Mayor David C. Venable. (Item #2)
Mayor Venable entertained a motion to approve the Agenda for the Special Meeting of February 25, 2020. Trustee Voight made such motion, Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. (Item #3)
Mayor Venable entertained a motion to approve the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of February 18, 2020. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve as written, Trustee Voight seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Mitchell, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. (Item #4)
Mayor Venable advised that he had nothing to report at this time. (Item #5)
Discussion/Action: Revision to Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook Tabled until after New Business (Item #6)
Discussion/Action: Spectrum Technologies Presentation -Cyber Security
Bun Tadlock and James Hurst of StrykerCyber and Spectrum Technologies submitted a Custom Proposal, Quote# 006522 Version 1 to the Governing Body. At a basic level the current market risks were discussed and the situation that the Village of Cloudcroft as a Municipality could find itself in. After having done an analysis of the main offices and the Library they presented a plan to assist in minimizing the risk that the village faces and to bring the hardware/endpoints up to specifications that would allow the village to continue to operate with a minimal risk and with hardware/endpoints that are currently being managed and patched by Microsoft Office. Training and Support are part of the proposal that was provided and explanation of this being a phase 1 stage to bring the village in line with a working IT structure, as the majority of the office we are out of date and therefore more open to the risk of attack by outside entities. Discussion ensued with questions and answers between the council and the presenters. Presenters were advised that it would be taken into consideration for the next fiscal year. {Item #7)
Discussion/Action: Revision to Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook
A review of the current 2015 version of the Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook was performed wHh the Village Clerk, Chief of Police and Deputy Chief of Police present. The handbook was reviewed page by page and presented changes accepted, declined or amended. Areas of concern that were not currently being upheld were brought to light and confirmed that they should remain and be enforced. Mayor Venable entertained a motion to approve the amendments to the Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook, Trustee Denney made such motion to approve as amended, Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion and with no further discussion a roll call vote was taken;
Trustee Denney-Aye Trustee Voight-Aye Trustee Mitchell-Aye Trustee Tieman -Aye (Item #6)
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Venable adjourned the meeting of February 25, 2020, at 7:36 pm. (Item #8)