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Village of Cloudcroft Planning & Zoning Regular Meeting April 6 3:30pm

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021, 3:30p.m.

Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING of the Planning & Zoning Commission for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at 3:30 p.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.


P&Z Chair, Tom Blessun, called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm, with the following Commission members present:


Jim Dowding Nathan Tompkins


Staff present: Jini Turri, P&Z Clerk. Guests present: None

The pledge of allegiance to the US and NM flags was led by Chair Tom Blessum.


Chair Tom Blessum entertained a motion to approve the agenda for the Regular Meeting of April 6, 2021. Commissioner Nathan Tompkins made a motion to the approve the agenda, Commissioner Jim Dowding seconded the motion and upon vote of Commissioners Tompkins and Dowding all voting “aye”, the motion passed.



Chair Tom Blessum entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the Public Hearings of January 28, 2021, for Variance Request #2020-02, and Variance Request #2020-03; and the Regular Meeting of February 2, 2021. Commissioner Jim Dowding made a motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Nathan Tompkins seconded the motion and upon vote of Commissioners Dowding and Tompkins all voting “aye” the motion passed.



Chair Blessum announced that Work Session would be held on April 20, 2021, at 3:30

p.m. to work on revisions the current sign ordinance.


The Village P&Z Clerk presented the Code Enforcement & Permit Reports for the month of March, 2021.




There was discussion between all as to how to proceed with proposed changes to the current sign ordinance. After detailed discussion, Chair Blessum suggested that the Commission work on drafting a ” new” sign ordinance to replace the existing ordinance and present such to the Governing Body for approval at a future meeting. Chair Blessum stated that further discussion and work on the ordinance changes would be done at the upcoming work session.




The P&Z Clerk presented to the Commission questions received from Matt Yanda, Project Manager for Allsup’s regarding preliminary stages of construction improvements to the Allsup’s located at 10 Curlew Place. The questions received were:


“Would you be able to answer my following questions in red based on the zoning regulations for the C-7 zone:


  • 9-5G-5-83: A rear yard setback is not required if there is an alley along the rear lot li It appears that the neighboring buildings are placed right on the rear lot line. Can it be assumed that the asphalt surface directly north of this project is considered an alley? If so, there would be no rear building setback for this project, correct?


  • 9-5G-5-D1: Fuel pumps shall be located a minimum of fifteen feet (15′) from any street right of way or lot line. Does this 15′ building setback apply to the canopies associated with the fuel pumps, or just the actual fuel pumps themselves?


The Commission discussed the questions and answered as follows:


  • Question #1- . ..the asphalt surface directly north of the project is not considered an alley. Therefore setbacks are required. Currently the address for Allsup’s is 10 Curlew Place, which makes the front of the building facing Curlew Pl. In your attached drawing that would makes the north side of the building a side yard which requires a 5 foot setback. If you change address to a Hwy 82 address, making the south side of the building the front of the store, then the north side of the building would be conside red a back yard which requires a 10 foot setback.


  • Question #2– from our current interpretation of the code, the setback would not apply to the canopies.



Chair Tom Blessum stated that having reached the end of the Agenda, the Regular Meeting of April 6, 2021, be adjourned at 4:30 pm.