Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING of the Planning & Zoning Commission for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 3 :30 p.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.
P&Z Co-Chair, Cheri Hass, called the meeting to order at 3 :30 pm, with the following Commission members present:
- Tom Blessum
- Jim Dowding
- Tom Lea was not present
Staff present: Jini Turri, Administrator/P&Z Clerk.
Guests present: William Helm
The pledge of allegiance to the US and NM flags was led by Co-Chair Cheri Hass.
Approval of Agenda
Co-Chair Cheri Hass ente1tained a motion to approve the agenda for the Regular Meeting of May 5, 2020. Commissioner Tom Blessum made a motion to the approve the agenda, Commissioner Jim Dowding seconded the motion and upon vote of Commissioners Blcssum, Dowding and Hass all voting “aye”, the motion passed.
Approval of Minutes
Co-Chair Cheri Hass ente1tained a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 7, 2020. Commissioner Jim Dowding made a motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Tom Blessum seconded the motion and upon vote of Commissioners Dowding, Blessum and Hass all voting “aye” the motion passed.
Code Enforcement / Permit Report
The Village Administrator/ P&Z Clerk presented the Code Enforcement & Permit Report for the months of February, March and April, 2019.
William Helm made a presentation to the Commission that he was interested in buying property on Beaver, Legal Description: Cloudcroft Re-Subdivision Addition #3, Lots: 1,2,3, Block: 26. Mr. Helm presented to the Commission a site plan of the property and questioned what the setbacks would be being that the property is an “odd-shaped” lot, triangular in nature.
After detailed discussion between all, and review of Section 9-3-3 .B of the Village Code, which states … “setbacks for all odd-shaped lots will be determined by the Planning & Zoning Commission, in accordance with the most applicable rule”, the Commission was prepared to make a determination. Commissioner Jim Dowding made a motion to add
“Determination” of the issue to the agenda and moved to make the following determination:
A rear set-back was set for the lot by defining a line set perpendicular to a tangent line taken from the corner of the intersection of the two corner lot side property lines. Tangent is equal degrees from the two side property lines. Therefore, the set-backs for Cloudcroft Re-Subdivision Addition #3, Lots 1,2,3; Block 6, would be as follows:
Rear set-back is thirty feet (30′) from the intersection point of the two property lines along the tangent line. The side yard set-backs are fifteen feet (15′) and the front yard setback is twenty-five feet (25′).
Commissioner Blessum seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote of Commissioner Dowding voting “aye”; Commissioner Blessum voting “aye” and Commissioner Hass voting “aye” the motion passed.
Unfinished Business
Revisions to Sign Ordinance
The Commission discussed several suggested revisions to the latest draft of the Sign Ordinance. Revisions will be ongoing.
New Business
Appointment of Chair & Vice-Chair for the Commission
The current Chair of the Commission, Cheri Hass ente1iained discussion as to appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Commission. Commissioner Hass stated that she wished to give up her position as Chair. Commissioner Blessum stated that he was interested in being appointed to the position and Commissioner Dowding stated that he was interested in the being appointed to the position of Vice-Chair. Commissioner I-lass made a motion to appoint Tom Blessum as Chair of the Planning & Zoning Commission and to appoint Jim Dowding as Vice-Chair. Commissioner Dowding seconded the motion and upon vote of Commissioners Hass, Dowding and Blessum all voting “aye” the motion passed.
Co-Chair Cheri Hass stated that having reached the end of the Agenda, the Regular Meeting of May 5, 2020, be adjourned at 5:15 pm.