Village of Cloudcroft Library Board of Directors Regular Meeting September 3rd

Call Meeting to Order

Christian called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the community center, outside the main entrance to the library. (Everyone wore masks and was properly social- distanced.)

Present:  Christian Westphal, Paula Dowding, Joyce Komraus, Jean Neumann, Joan  Nussbamn, Steph Snedden, Lisa Wojcik, and (guest) Charles Elerick.

(Library Director), Steph Snedden, Joan Nussbaum, Joyce Komraus

  1. Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm.;

  2. After introductions and alterations to the board address list, Joyce gave a brief history f the MNPL

  3. During direc or Lisa’s report, she handed out the monthly budget (financial) statement from the Village of Cloudcroft; as “items of interest for the board ‘, she enumerated tasks that board members might want to volunteer to o: Jean is already searching for prices of books MNPL might want to sell on e-bay and sorting books-on-tape; Joan is sewing a curtain for the lower cabinets at the librarian’s desk area; Lisa also suggested that we might want to rewrite the mission statement for this board.

  4. Jean and Pan a volunteered and accepted to be the vice-chairperson and secretary respectively;

  5. New business included the need to talk to Shae in the village office in order to get a calendar of events for the community center;


The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for October 1st.