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The Cloudcroft Village Office is open daily from 8:30am-12:00pm & 2:00pm-4:00pm for bill payment.
Water Billing Update
Emailed Bills Were Sent Out Twice For January 2025. The Second Email is the Most Up To Date! For Questions: Ccvillageutilities@cloudcroftvillage.com
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Village of Cloudcroft Library Board of Directors Regular Meeting November 5th

Call Meeting to Order

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Christian Westphal in the Cloudcroft Community enter outside the main entrance to the library. CDC requirements for social distancing a d required masks were in practice. Members present Christian Westphal (Chairperson, Jean Neumann (Co-chair), Paula Dowding (Secretary), Lisa Wojcik (Library Director) and Joyce Komraus. Not present: Steph Snedden, Joan Nussbaum.

Minutes Approval

Approval of minutes from October 1st meeting.

Joyce pointed out a mistake on the outline format. The Mission, Vision, & Values Statements were looked over. Jean made the motion to approve the minutes and the correction to be made to the format and was seconded by Joyce.


The financial and MNPL report was shared by Lisa with an explanation of how the GB totals of data sed by staff and were estimated. She noted that library patron use has increased, as ell as an increase in library volunteer hours.

Old Business

Lisa updated the Library’s email address.

New Business

  • Renee, who occasionally fills in for Lisa Wojcik (Library Director) and Chuck was introduced. Sh also works with the Friends of the Library where she has been organizing the shelves of donated books with the help of Christian.
  • Paula suggested adding a subscription to an astronomy magazine for the library due to the large popululation of astronomers in the area.
  • Dates for next meetings were confirmed: Dec. 3, Jan. 7, and Feb. 4


Meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm