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Village of Cloudcroft Agenda Special Meeting April 23rd

Thursday, April 23, 2020, 2:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of the Governing Body for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 2:00 p.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.

Mayor Pro Tern Denney called the meeting to order at 0:00 p.m. with the following Council members providing a full Quorum:


  • Trustee/ Mayor Pro Tern William Denney – Present
  • Trustee – Cynthia Voight- present via teleconference
  • Trustee – George Mitchell – Absent
  • Trustee – John Tieman – Present

Village Staff and Guests Also Present:

  • Barbara K. Garcia, Village Clerk/Treasurer
  • Jini Turri, Administrator
  • Kevin Summers, Chief of Police Village of Cloudcroft
  • Justin Mitchell, Cloudcroft Police Officer
  • Wendy Mccourt, Burro Street Bakery
  • Vickie Pruiett Marquarot, Candidate Otero Co. Commission #3
  • Mark Huber, Mtn Top Accounting & Sew Happy
  • Bennie & Yoland, The Camp at Mayhill
  • Bridget & Richard Lepree, Lapree’s
  • James Swaagman & Robin Faux, Cloudcroft Therapeutic Massage
  • Stacy Jones, RedWall Jewelry
  • Stacie Hobson, Hobson’s Hidden Gems
  • John O’Connor, Treeriffic Toys & Candy
  • Laura Clineman, Cloudcroft
  • Phyllis P. Turner
  • Burro Street Exchange
  • James R. Maynard, Cloudcroft Brewing Company
  • Dustin Wiley, Dusty Boots Motel & Cafe
  • Danny Hardwick, Cloudcroft Trading Post
  • Guy Ross, Cloudcroft/High Rolls
  • Skip Pridemore, Gary Mack Real Estate
  • Tana Daugherty, Cloudcroft Schools
  • Jocelyne Gillespie, Cloudcroft Schools (Item #1)


The Pledge of Allegiance to the US and NM flags was led by Mayor Pro Tern Denney. (Item #2)



Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to approve the Agenda for the Special Meeting of April 23, 2020. Trustee Voight made such motion, Trustee Tieman seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. (Item #3}



Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to approve the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of March 25, 2020. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve as written, Trustee Voight seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. (Item #4)


ANNOUNCEMENTS/DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tern opened the floor to five (5) citizens at one time. Members of the community listed above as those present were invited to speak for two (2) minutes regarding the concerns that they had for the Village opening or remaining closed during the Public Health Order for Covid-19, and either their recommendations or descent regarding a proposed Resolution to be signed and sent to the Governor of New Mexico. Mayor Pro Tern called for a Special Meeting for Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 4:00 PM for the approval/disapproval of a resolution in request of re-opening the village for business.

Discussion/Action: Approval to remove Joe John Carrizal from probation and increase in payroll

Village staff recommended that Public Works employee be removed from probation and provided an increase of $1.00 based under hire date being under the previous employee handbook. Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to remove Mr. Carrizal from probation with a $1.00 hourly payroll increase. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve, Trustee Voight seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. (Item #5)


MAYOR’S REPORT: Nothing to report (Item #6)


REPORTS: Discussion on Lodgers and GRT reports ensued. Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to approve the March 2020 reporting. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve as written, Trustee Voight seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously (Item #7)


ADMINISTRATORS REPORT: Jini advised that we are making progress on the PURE project, plans and specs to complete the water plant have been received. The first set of bid documents have been received to be finalized.

Drafts and amendments have been received for Livingston’s contract. There have been three (3) estimates on back up emergency generators for the water and waste water plant. The Village is currently awaiting delivery of a Mueller metal building for coverage of the main headworks at the sewer plant. We have received announcement of Capital Outlay funding of $820,000 for recreational purposes, however the Governor has red lined some items that funds were to be used for at Ski Area. There is talk that ii could be pulled back at a special session due to the budget of the state. Jini advised that further funding that was received last FY could be pulled also if they do not have activity which is why she is working to encumber the funds. (Item #8)



  • Approval Resolution 2020.08 3rd Budget Adjustment Increase in Expenditures Recreation

Village Clerk requested an increase in expenditures by $4908 due to purchases for the ice rink. Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion. Trustee Tieman made a motion to approve Resolution #2020.08 3rd Qtr. Budget Adjustment Increase in Expenditures Recreation Fund. Trustee Voight seconded the motion and with no further discussion a roll call vote was taken;

  • Trustee Denney – Aye
  • Trustee Voight – Aye
  • Trustee Tieman -Aye The motion carries
  • Discussion/Action: Approval Signatories for 1st National Bank Powers of Credit Card

Village Clerk advised that this would change the signatory for the Village credit cards to Mayor Venable, Mayor Pro Tern Denney and Clerk/Treasurer, Barbara Garcia through 1s1 National Bank. Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion. Trustee Voight made a motion to approve. Trustee Tieman seconded the motion and with no further discussion a roll call vote was taken;

  • Trustee Denney – Aye
  • Trustee Voight – Aye
  • Trustee Tieman -Aye The motion carries
  • Discussion/Action: Solid Waste Disposal Services Contract – Contract expires June 30, 2020- RFP or ITB? The old contract from Southwest Disposal was presented and staff requested if the Governing Body would like to take to RFP or 1TB (best service or lowest price). Barbara will have attorney check to see if this is automatically r.enewable. Trustee Denney advised that we could also look at.bringing the service in house. Trustee· Tieman made a motion contingent on automatic renewal to renew the contract with Southwest Disposal, if not deemed renewable to go out to RFP. Trustee Voight seconded the motion and with no further discussion the motion carries.
  • Discussion/Action: Award of RFP 2020.01 Mountain Top Water & Sewer line Replacement – Staniec Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to award RFP 01 to Staniec upon staff recomme ndation. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve, Trustee Voight seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously.


  • Discussion/Action: Approval of Village Admi nistrator, Jini Turri to serve as an Authorized Representaitve to submit & process a funding application with Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to authorize Mrs. Turri to submit the funding application. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve, Trustee Voight seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously.


  • Action: Approval of Records Destruction #2020.01 Per NM Municipal Records Retention Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to destroy records per retention schedule. Trustee Voight made such motion to approve, Trustee Tieman seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimousl.y (Item #9)


BILLS & TREASURER’S REPORT: Acknowledgment of March Bills Paid and Report. Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to acknowledge bills and report. Trustee Voight made such motion to approve, Trustee Tieman seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye”the motion carried unanimously. A brief discussion ensued on the budget and when to meet for approval of the interim budget. Jini was instructed to determine if the Judge is eligible for insurance and bring information to the governing body. (Item #10)


ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Pro Tern Denney entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Tieman made such motion to approve, Trustee Voight seconded the motion and upon vote of Trustees Denney, Voight and Tieman all voting “aye” the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pro Tern adjourned the meeting of April 23, 2020 at 3:51PM. (Item #11)