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Level Two Water Restriction, June 14th, 2022

Village Code 7-lA-9 (c)

The Village Council Board of Trustees in a Special Session on June 13, 2022, declared that Level Two Water Restrictions are hereby implemented. Under Level Two Water Restrictions:

C. Declaration Of Water Emergencies: Whenever an emergency exists by reason of a shortage of water, due to inadequate supply or failure of equipment or materials, such that the village water system is unable or will within the near future become unable to supply the full commercial and domestic needs of the users thereof, including adequate fire protection as determined by the fire chief, the governing body is authorized to restrict or prohibit, by emergency proclamation, the use of water from the village water system as set forth herein designating the level of emergency. Said proclamation shall be posted in three (3) prominent places within the village and shall take effect immediately.

D. Restrictions: When the governing body has declared a level one water emergency, the following restrictions apply to all properties served by the village of Cloudcroft water system, including those properties outside the village limits. Additional restrictions, as enumerated below, may apply when the governing body has declared a level two or level three water emergency.

Prohibited Acts:

a. Water Waste: No entity or operation served by the village water system shall waste, cause, or permit to be wasted or applied to nonbeneficial uses, as defined in this section, any water furnished by the village of Cloudcroft.

b. Fugitive Water Flow: No entity or operation shall cause or permit the flow of excess fugitive water onto adjacent property or public right of way.

Prohibited Acts:

a. Flow resulting from firefighting and training, or routine inspections of fire hydrants, or from other necessary municipal uses.

b. Water applied to prevent or abate health, safety and accident hazards, and in construction work.

c. Water that flows onto adjacent property or public rights of way as the result of an act of nature.

Outdoor Watering Restrictions

a. Spray irrigation is allowed from six o’clock (6:00) P.M. to ten o’clock (10:00) A.M.

b. If level two restrictions are in effect, said watering shall be additionally restricted to even calendar days for property with even
addresses, and to odd calendar days for property with odd addresses. When a property has more than one address, the address of the water meter shall determine the address for watering. No watering shall be allowed on the thirty first day of any month.