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Workshop Meeting Minutes August 9, 2024, 2:00 p.m.





Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Governing Body for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft.

Mayor Turner called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m., with the following Council members providing a full quorum: Present/Absent:
Mayor Vincent C. Turner- Present

Trustee Tabitha Foster – Present

Trustee James Maynard – Present
Trustee Gail McCoy – Present

Trustee Timothy King- Present

Attorney Jefferson Rhodes -Absent

The following Village staff and guests were present: Julie C. Pinson, Clerk; JJ Carrizal,Maintenance Supervisor; Scott Powell, Waste Water Plant; Aaron Foster, Fresh Water Plant; LaurenGroesbeck, Grant Writer; Jill Teder by phone in the Denver CO engineering office, along with some of the village residents please refer to sign-in sheet.

The pledge of allegiance to the United States and New Mexico flags was led by Mayor Turner.

Mayor Turner announced that this meeting will be talking about the treated waste water project that was started back in 2007 to current. The village expects the population and water use to increase by 20mgal a year by 2026. The village had to have water hauled in last time was in July 2021 due to drought conditions and it was 300,000 gals. PER is required in NM to provide funding. NMED priorities look at the village demands analysis and supply assessment. Aaron Foster and JJ Carrizal
focus, and priorities are trying to find the 2 million discrepancies. Aaron’s production capacity is 216,000 gal per day, 100 gals per minute from all our wells. We are currently operating at 98% minute on the inlet and outlet side. When they switched out the meter on the outlet side it cleared up the 2 million discrepancies. The village on average is currently using 209,000 gals per day. By 2045 their predicting an increase in population by 6% to the village. JJ would like to install a 500K gal raw water tank next to our existing 500Kgal water tank located at the ski area. Jill
advises that the Village don’t pursue any further on the PURE project and put our time and resources into improving our waste water plant. Aaron has eliminated any water leaks from the plant to the Hill Top tanks and is continuing to isolate any leaks between the tanks and different sections on the water system. Trustee Maynard stated the village owns 850 acres of water rights.
The engineering firm estimates 18-24 months to get the fan press done, and 1 to 2 years engineering, and 3 years
to build with money not being an issue. Jill, the Mayor and the Council all agree with the funding
we can complete the waste water project.
Trustee Maynard made a motion to award COM Smith to go forward with solid handling design and engineering for the fan press of $316,000.00 and to schedule a 2 day workshop to discuss at a later date for the approval of the PER report for NMEO submittal. Trustee King seconded the motion. With no further discussion a roll call vote was taken:

Mayor Turner-No
Trustee Maynard-Aye
Trustee Foster-No
Trustee King-Aye
Trustee McCoy-No
Attorney Rhodes-Absent
Motion died.

Trustee Foster made a motion to award COM Smith to go forward with solid handling design and engineering for the fan press of $316,000.00 and approval of the PER report for NMEO submittal. Trustee McCoy seconded the motion. With no further discussion a roll call vote was taken:

Mayor Turner-No
Trustee Maynard-Aye
Trustee Foster-No
Trustee King-Aye
Trustee McCoy-No
Attorney Rhodes-Absent

Motion died.

Trustee Foster made a motion to award CDM Smith to go forward with solid handling design and engineering for the fan press of $316,000.00 and to schedule a special meeting to vote for the approval of the PER report for NMEO submittal. Trustee McCoy seconded the motion. With no further discussion a roll call vote was taken:

Mayor Turner-Aye
Trustee Maynard-Aye
Trustee Foster-Aye
Trustee King-Aye
Trustee McCoy-Aye
Attorney Rhodes-Absent

Motion carried for a unanimous roll call vote.

Trustee Foster made a motion to adjourn the Special Meeting of August 15, 2024.