Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of the Governing Body for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 5:00 p.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.
Mayor Denney called the meeting to order at 5:00PM with the following Council members providing a full Quorum: Present/Absent:
Trustee / Mayor William Denney – present
Trustee / Mayor Pro-Tem Tieman – present
Trustee – Jim Maynard – present
Trustee – George Mitchell – present
Trustee – Gail McCoy – present
The following Village staff and guests were present: Barbara K. Garcia, Clerk
The pledge of allegiance to the United States and New Mexico flags was led by Mayor Denney.
Mayor Denney called for a motion to approve the agenda of the Special Council Meeting for July 26, 2022. Trustee Maynard made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Tieman, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, for. Motion carried unanimously.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Work Session of Governing Body, July 8, 2022 & Regular Council Meeting of July 12, 2022
Trustee Mitchell made a motion to approve both meeting minutes as written. Trustee McCoy seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Tieman, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, for. Motion carried unanimously.
ICIP FY2024-2028 Consideration of projects/prioritization.
Governing Body members discussed the FY2023-2027 submitted projects and prioritized FY2024-2028 requests with changes and new requests recommended. Trustees requested updates in the following order and to review at the August 9th regular meeting.
1. Land Acquisition for Water Source – the governing body would like some attention to the verbiage to show that we will search within a 10-to-20-mile radius for property
2. Water/Sewer Line replacement and distribution
3. Street replacement and Storm Water Control to be combined request – request should cover at least 20 of the main streets that need attention so fund can be spent in various areas
4. Heavy Equipment – Grapple Truck with Mounted Waste Grapples for slash removal, 36 inch trench pounder (?) -follow up needed on quotes and what Public works needs
5. Library Roof
6. New Water Well
7. Burro St Public Restroom remodel and addition
8. Pedestrian Bridge & Park Lot
9. Ski Area Facility Addition – additional ski lift
10. New Convention Center
11. Village Office Complex
12. New Emergency Warning System (NEW)
13. Public Wi-Fi in commercial area (NEW)
14. New Vehicles – PD, Public Works, Admin (NEW)
15. Trash Truck (NEW)
16. Trash – Plasma Incinerator (NEW)
17. Snow Melter (NEW)
Mayor Denney requested that Trustee Tieman contact NMML to work with them on a possible grant for the library roof.
Adoption of Resolution No. 2022.13 Annual Inventory Report.
Trustee Mitchell made a motion to approve the annual inventory report and adopt Resolution No. 2022.13. Trustee Tieman seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Tieman, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, for. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval Southeastern New Mexico Economic Development District Agreement (COG)
Trustee Tieman made a motion to approve the COG agreement for FY23. Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Tieman, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, for. Motion carried unanimously.
Adoption of Resolution No. 2022.15 Southeastern New Mexico Economic Development District Agreement (COG) Active Member.
Trustee Maynard made a motion to adopt resolution No. 2022.15. Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Roll Call vote as follows:
• Trustee McCoy – Aye
• Trustee Tieman – Aye
• Trustee Maynard – Aye
• Trustee Mitchell – Aye
The motion carries unanimously
Resolution No. 2022.14 Approving the June 30, 2022 (4th quarter) Financial Report, June 30, 2022, Budget Adjustments, Adoption of the 2022-23 Operating Budget Village of Cloudcroft, NM
Clerk reviewed the resolution and BAR with governing body. Trustee Maynard made a motion to adopt all reports and resolution No. 2022.14. Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Roll Call vote as follows:
• Trustee McCoy – Aye
• Trustee Tieman – Aye
• Trustee Maynard – Aye
• Trustee Mitchell – Aye
The motion carries unanimously
Trustee Maynard made a motion to adjourn the Special Meeting of July 26, 2022. Trustee Mitchell seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:04 pm