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Village of Cloudcroft Lodger’s Tax Board Meeting Agenda – April 4, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. – Copy

Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order: Chair –  Karl Campbell
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Chair – Karl Campbell

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Salute to the Flag of New Mexico

“I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”

3. Approval of Agenda: Regular Meeting, May 1, 2024

4. Approval of Minutes:

Special Meeting 3-8-2024 Done
Special Meeting 3-28-2024 Done
Special Meeting 4-1-2024

5. Announcements/Open Discussion:

6. Old Business: None

7. New Business:

Discussion/Action: Village of Cloudcroft request for $20,000 to purchase Christmas Capital decorations

Discussion/Action: Rails To Trails re: $5,000 vs $2,000.
– Hal Payne, Rails to Trails treasurer called and asked that their approved amount of $2,000 of their original request for $5,0000 be revised to reflect their originally requested $5,000 Lodger’s Tax grant.
– Hal said that they need everything that they requested for advertising in TV and Radio advertising in Las Cruces, Artesia, Roswell, Carlsbad and possibly El Paso.

Discussion/action: Definition of and addition of tax-free status for Lodger’s Tax if a tax free form is presented by a non-taxable entity or organization such as a governmental, school, or non-profit organization qualifying for tax exempt status.

8. Chair Report:

On 4-18-2024, Karl Campbell, Advisory Board Chair, presented the following to the Governing Body at their FY 24-25 Budget Conference: (NOTE: The full report to the Governing Body is attached at the end of this report)

a. Lodger’s Tax Requests from
o Chamber of Commerce: $117,000
o Rails to Trails: $ 2,000
o Pioneer Museum $ 12,000

b. Discussed capabilities of the Placer AI system and how it will benefit the Village and the Lodger’s Tax program as a whole.

c. Discussed the Rentalscape program and We recommend, as a minimum, that the Village subscribe to the following Rentalscape modules (all amounts are annual subscription prices:
o Address Identification, Compliance, Monitoring & Rental Activity Reporting $3,900
o Outreach Campaign $2,500
o Short Term Rental Registration Portal $5,000
o Tax Payment Portal: $5,000
o Total for all recommended Modules: $16,400 per year.

8. Adjournment: