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Regular Council Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2022

November 8, 2022

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Governing Body for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.

  1. Call to Order: Mayor Denney called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM with the following Council members providing a full Quorum:

    Mayor William Denney- present
    Trustee / Mayor Pro-Tern Tieman – present
    Trustee – Jim Maynard – present
    Trustee – George Mitchell – present
    Trustee – Gail McCoy- present

    The following Village staff and guests were present: Barbara Garcia, Clerk; Shaela Hemphill, Deputy Clerk; Kevin Summers, Cindi Bradshaw, Karen Sonnenfelt, Chamber of Commerce; Jessie & Matt Willett, Amy Coor, Shelley & Dan Hughes, Mack & Lois Cadwallader, Roberta & Eric Haecker, Nathan & Crystal Tompkins, Mira & Steve Pepper, Gary Truex; self

  2. Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge of allegiance to the United States and New Mexico flags was led by Mayor Denney.

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Salute to the Flag of New Mexico

“I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”

  1. Approval of Agenda:  Trustee Tieman made a motion to approve the agenda of November 8, 2022, Regular Council Meeting. Trustee Maynard seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee Tieman, for, Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, for. Motion carried unanimously.

  2. Approval of Minutes:Work Session of Governing Body, September 7, 2022, Work Session of Governing Body, October 7, 2022, Regular Council of Governing Body, October 11, 2022, Public Hearing of Governing Body, October 25, 2022, Special Meeting of Governing Body, October 25, 2022. Trustee Maynard motioned to approve all minutes as presented with an amendment to the Public Hearing of Governing Body, October 25, 2022, to reflect that Trustee Mitchell was not present. Trustee McCoy seconded, Vote as follows: Trustee Tieman, for, Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, for. Motion carried unanimously.

  3. Announcements/Open Discussion: Mayor Denney advised that due to the large crowd in attendance and the amount that wish to speak he will limit speaking time to two (2) minutes per person. Mayor Denney gave an update on the Multi-Use Facility and the clerk provided an update on the finances of the grant and village funds. Citizens voiced their concern over the project as well as their support for the project. Concerns were addressed and citizens were advised that the project will be going out to bid in two (2) weeks at which point we will be able to determine if the funds from the grant will cover the project. Mayor Denney advised that even if the funds do not cover the current project, we will have a shovel ready project to go to the legislature with. Safety and Aesthetic concerns were raised based on the dirt pile that is currently in the park and the citizens are very concerned with having this pile moved. Mayor Denney advised that the project would go out to bid and then next steps will be addressed based on the bid’s that are received. Citizens provided ideas on how the grant could be used and concerns on the amount of time that we will have to move forward if we do not have the funding needed. Support for upgrading the rink and not encroaching on the park was voiced. 
  4. Mayor’s Report:No report

  5. Reports:Trustee Maynard made a motion to approve the reports as presented. Trustee Mitchell seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee Tieman, for, Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, against. Motion carried unanimously.

  6. New Business: Approval of Findings of Facts & Conclusions of Law & Judgements for Zoning Request- RZR#2022. 06, Stacey & Michael Hyman, 504 Columbine. Trustee Tieman made a motion to approve Findings of Facts & Conclusions of Law & Judgements for Zoning request RZR #2022.06 as written. Trustee Maynard seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee Tieman, for, Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, for. Motion carried unanimously 

    Sale, exchange and gift of properly §3-54-2 – Sale of decommissioned water meters. Res #2022. 22 Trustee Maynard made a motion to approve Res.# 2022.22, sale of decommissioned water meters. Trustee McCoy seconded, and with no further discussion a roll call vote was taken.
    • Trustee McCoy – Aye
    • Trustee Tieman -Aye
    • Trustee Maynard -Aye
    • Trustee Mitchell -Aye
    The motion carries unanimously.

  7. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures:October 2022 to date expenditures. Trustee Mitchell made a motion to approve the report. Trustee Maynard seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee Tieman, for, Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee Mitchell, against. Motion carried unanimously.

  8. Adjourn: Trustee Mitchell made a motion to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting of November 8, 2022. Trustee Tieman seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm