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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission, March 5, 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.

Minutes of the Regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.



Chairman Jessica Beach called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with the following Commission members present/absent:


Jessica Beach – present

Leah Freeman – present

Susan Difani – present

James Parker – present

David Abel – present


The following staff & guests were present for the Regular Meeting: Laura Robertson; Planning & Zoning Clerk, Trustee King; guest, Gary Truex; guest, and Andy Anderson; guest.



The pledge of allegiance to the United States and New Mexico flags was led by Chairman Jessica Beach


Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Salute to the Flag of New Mexico

“I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”


    Chairman Beach entertained a motion to approve the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2024. Commissioner Abel made such a motion, Commissioner Parker seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Chairman Beach, for; Commissioner Freeman, for; Commissioner Parker, for; Commissioner Abel, for; and Commissioner Difani, for. Motion carried unanimously.


    Commissioner Beach entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 9, 2024. Commissioner Parker made such a motion, Commissioner Difani seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Chairman Beach, for; Commissioner Freeman, for; Commissioner Parker, for; Commissioner Abel, for; and Commissioner Difani, for. Motion carried unanimously.


    The P&Z Clerk presented the Code Enforcement & Permit Report for the month of February 2024.


    No new announcements were made.


     Action/ Discussion on memorial project for Rails for Trails:

    Gary Truex representing Rails for Trails presented to the commission that the volunteer organization would like to build a structure, with benches and signs as a memorial to the founders of NM Rails for Trails, Tom, and Barbara Springer. The proposed structure would be at a trail head on Village owned property, legal description; S: 6, T: 16, R: 12, TR IN NE ¼. This trail parking area is on the corner of US 82 and 130. Rails for Trails would carry out all the maintenance for the structure. The Commissioners entertained a motion to approve the request; Commissioner Parker made such a motion; Commissioner Abel seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Chairman Beach; for, Co-Chair Freeman; for, Commissioner Abel; for, Commissioner Parker; for, and Commissioner Difani; for. Motion carried unanimously.

    Discussion on new GIS Program:

    Trustee King presented a new type of program that could greatly benefit the village. On this presentation, he was able to show that through this new programming residents and nonresidents could apply for and pay for permit applications online. During the process of applying for permits, the system would automatically bring up the legal description and zoning of the property. With this proposed new program, Planning and Zoning would be able to have information readily available on properties with variances and previous permit or zoning issues. This new program would be a great benefit to the residents as well as employees of the village. The new program Trustee King is building will go before the council in the new budget year. The Planning and Zoning Commission agrees that it would be very beneficial to them.


    Action/ Discussion on a Special Use Permit Application by Andy Anderson:

    Andy Anderson of Woodcrafts of New Mexico has submitted a Special Use Permit Application for his chainsaw woodcarving business. Mr. Anderson informed the commission that he has been providing his goods in the Village for six years now and has already worked out the lease agreement with the owner of the property, where he would be doing his woodcarving. A motion was made by Commissioner Parker to approve the Special Use Permit, Commissioner Abel seconded the motion. Vote as follows: Chairman Beach; for, Co-Chair Freeman; for, Commissioner Parker; for, Commissioner Abel; for, and Commissioner Difani; for. Motion carried unanimously.


    Action/ Discussion of Complaint on Resident of 214 Aspen:

    In reference to the submitted applications for a fence permit and a variance for a fence that was already built on the property, the commissioners had requested that a plot survey by a NM licensed surveyor was to be turned in as a part of the application process. Clerk Laura Robertson had contacted Bob Heisenger of Drengr Construction he informed that he would get that done. When last contacted, he had contracted Alamotero to complete the survey. The variance process will start as soon as the survey is submitted.

    Action/ Discussion of Complaint on Resident of 404 Phelps Circle:

    Commissioners reviewed the current information, that the resident of 404 Phelps Circle has had a survey done by a NM licensed surveyor. The surveyor is waiting on information from a neighboring property before completing the survey. When all is completed, it will be sent to the Planning and Zoning Office.


    The commissioners reviewed a new Residential Building Permit Application and Checklist. The proposed application, when completed, will have more requested information for the permit process.


    Chairman Beach entertained a motion for adjournment having reached the end of the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2024. Commissioner Abel made such a motion, Commissioner Freeman seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:01 a.m.