Tuesday, January 02, 2024, at 8:00 a.m.
Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of the Governing Body for the Village of Cloudcroft, held on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 8:00 a.m., in the Village Council Chambers, 201 Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft, NM.
Mayor Turner called the meeting to order at 8:14 a.m. with the following Council members providing a full Quorum:
Mayor Vincent C. Turner – present
Trustee / Mayor Pro-Tem Maynard – present
Trustee – Gail McCoy – present
Trustee – Tabitha Foster – absent
Trustee – Timothy King – present
The following Village staff and guests were present: Shaela Hemphill; Chief Deputy Clerk, Michael Testa; Police Officer, David Sanchez; Police Officer, Chris Swanson; Police Officer, Crystal Menezes; Utility Clerk, Melissa Yates; MVD Clerk, Vyanca Vega; Project Coordinator, Laura Robertson; P&Z/Court Clerk, Joe John Carrizal; Maintenance Supervisor, Erich Wuersching; CCVFD, Abby Wuersching, Geroge Mitchell, M. Ware, Amy & Dana Dunlap, Scott McCoy, and Phyllis Turner.
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Salute to the Flag of New Mexico
“I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”
Trustee Maynard made a motion to approve the agenda of the January 2, 2024, Special Council Meeting as presented. Trustee McCoy seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee King, for; Trustee Foster, for. Motion carried unanimously.
Confirmation of Mayor Pro-Tem Appointment, James R. Maynard
Trustee McCoy made a motion to confirm the appointment of James R. Maynard as Mayor Pro-Tem. Trustee Foster seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, abstained; Trustee King, for; Trustee Foster, for. Motion carried with 3 votes and 1 abstention.
Confirmation of Planning & Zoning Commissioner, Susan Difani
Trustee Foster made a motion to confirm the appointment of Susan Difani to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Trustee King seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee King, for; Trustee Foster, for. Motion carried unanimously.
Confirmation of Lodger’s Tax Committee Member, Bri Jonnes
Trustee Foster made a motion to confirm the appointment of Bri Jonnes to the Lodger’s Tax Board. Trustee Maynard seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee King, for; Trustee Foster, for. Motion carried unanimously.
Confirmation of Appointed and Regular Employees Per NMSA §3-11-5
Trustee McCoy made a motion to confirm the following appointed and regular employees as presented:
Appointed Employees: Shaela Hemphill, Clerk/Treasurer/CPO; Michael Testa, Chief of Police; Erich Wuersching, Fire Chief; Julie Johnson, Library Director.
Regular Employees: Crystal Menezes, Utility Billing Clerk; Vyanca Vega, Project Coordinator; Melissa Yates, MVD Manager; Laura Robertson, Planning & Zoning Clerk; Joe John Carrizal, Public Works Supervisor; Scott Powell, Wastewater Operator; Tony Courvoisier, Water Operator; Sean O’Connor, Public Works; Byron Yeager, Public Works; Jerry Baczik, Public Works; Rebecca Melendez-Turner, Part Time Library Aide; Ayla Yarbrough, Part Time Library Aide; Deputy Chief of Police David Sanchez; Police Officer Chris Swanson; Laura Robertson, Court Clerk.
Trustee Maynard seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee King, for; Trustee Foster, for. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Maynard made a motion to adjourn the Special Council Meeting of January 2, 2024, at 8:24 a.m. Trustee McCoy seconded. Vote as follows: Trustee McCoy, for; Trustee Maynard, for; Trustee King, for; Trustee Foster, for. Motion carried unanimously.